Long Way Down
Album Version Appears On Keep It Together Tablature
Meow Mix Appears On The Meowstro Sings Guster's Keep It Together
Ryan Miller
Roger Moutenot
David Henry
Mixing (album)
Mike Shipley
Mixing (meow mix)
Adam Gardner
Matt Peskie

 Album Version Sessionography
Adam Gardner backing vocals, guitar
Ryan Miller bass guitar, keyboard, lead vocals
Brian Rosenworcel percussion

 Album Version Guests
David Henry cello
Jacob Lawson violin
Brandon Mason trumpet

 Meow Mix Guests
Matt Peskie lead vocals

Notes: Originally posted for download almost a year before the release of Keep It Together on guster.com as "Safari," first with vocals mistakenly turned way down, and later with vocals up. The meow mix of this track was deceptively labeled as "Jesus On The Radio" when first posted on KaZaA.
Album Version
Dreamt I was dead sleeping in your bed
Floated up from the ground and looked down
Then finally I could see completely
Heard the angels' song

I know what you are
I could never tell
They sang what you are

This far away you're a minature to me
Are you sorry you almost dissappeared

Now I know what you are
I could never tell
They sang what you are

Now the notes are fading and everything is turned around
And I can't help but think it
It's a long way down
All the lights are changing and everything is turned around
I can't help but thinking
It's a long way down

And I know what you are
I could never tell
They sang what you are

And I know what you are
I could never tell
Know what you are

Thanks to the early bird resourcefulness of Ted Evans for production information and to meow Mr. Pibb and the
always meow legendary conguero Brian Rosenworcel for information on meow meow.